Northampton continues to be a focus for continued economic growth. It is identified as a regional growth centre and is expected to provide substantial new housing and employment as part of a Government strategy for sustainable growth.
On 24 September 2007 the then Secretary of State wrote to Daventry District Council confirming that the overall allocated site (referred to as Buckton Fields) must remain allocated in Daventry District Council’s Local Plan for residential development.
This long standing allocation recognises that to deliver sustainable growth for Northampton over the years to come new Greenfield sites will be required. This approach has been further endorsed by the constituent authorities in the emergent Joint Core Strategy which continues to identify Buckton Fields as an important component in the delivery of housing.
Ensign acknowledges the Government’s agenda in respect of meeting housing needs for the area and, to assist with the timely delivery of housing in and around Northampton, decided to submit a separate planning application for Buckton Fields East, delivery of which would provide much needed homes and increase current availability of affordable housing.
At Buckton Fields East, Ensign is seeking to create a purely residential development of approximately 376 homes. The scheme will offer a mix of high quality homes ranging from two to five bedrooms, public open spaces and children's play areas.
Approximately 16.4 hectares in size, Buckton Fields East lies on the eastern edge of the wider Buckton Fields site, bordered by Harborough Road North to the east and Brampton Lane to the north.
The Buckton Fields East development would create a vibrant community by incorporating a mix of housing styles in neighbourhood areas with distinct characteristics. Careful landscaping and tree planting will seek to soften the appearance of the development and provide appropriate focal points in the local landscape.
Homes fronting Harborough Road North would be sensitively developed to retain continuity with the existing properties along the road. A mix of two storey detached and semi-detached houses with three to five bedrooms would be set back from Harborough Road North behind a screen of newly-planted trees.
Moving deeper into the scheme, a wider variety of development styles incorporating landmark buildings will be provided to create an interesting and varied street scene. Mixing townhouses, smaller terraces and mews-style homes, Buckton Fields East will provide the range of accommodation needed to create a sustainable, vibrant community.
Buckton Fields East will be accessed at Brampton Lane by a three-armed roundabout, and the street layout will focus on the creation of Homezones that give priority to pedestrians and cyclists – encouraging a lower level of traffic movement by using traffic calming measures and promoting on-street parking. Localised road narrowing at intervals will also help to slow traffic.
Please visit the Minimising Environmental Impact page for information on how Ensign will seek to reduce the impact of any development on the site.
To support the planning application for Buckton Fields East, Ensign will be required to carry out a comprehensive Transport Assessment that will look at the accessibility and sustainability of the site, traffic flows generated and the impact on the surrounding roads and junctions.
Please visit the Delivering Transport Infrastructure page for information on Ensign’s sustainable transport strategy.
Please click on individual plans to enlarge
After submitting the outline planning application for Buckton Fields East to Daventry District Council in April 2008, Ensign has continued to engage the council and other consultees in ongoing discussion.
Having taken the time to consider issues raised through these discussions, along with comments registered during the public consultation process, Ensign has made a number of amendments to the original outline planning application.
These include:
• Reducing the total number of homes proposed for the site from 500 to 376
• Inclusion of land for a potential two form entry primary school (if required)
• Increase in provision of Public Open Space from 2.88ha to 3.16ha (including children’s play, outdoor sport and amenity open space)
• Amended/additional locations of Local Equipped Areas of Play and Local Areas of Play throughout the development
The revised application for Buckton Fields East (DA/2008/0500) was submitted to and registered by Daventry District Council in September 2011, along with outline planning application for the overall site (referred to as Buckton Fields).
Both of these applications went before a special committee meeting for consideration on 20 October 2011, when members resolved to grant outline planning permission for Buckton Fields.